Sunday, January 30, 2011


Another good weekend here in Florence! The warmer weather was so nice! I went out with some friends on Friday and stayed in Saturday and made heart cupcakes and watched the Proposal! Today I had my first Phi meeting and I love my new sisters! It’s so exciting right now! Me Laura and Sarah Elizabeth went to church this morning then to Cracker Barrel! I was craving a home cooked breakfast. I have been in a constant good mood lately! Like nothing could make me irritated and I’m so glad! Life is just fantabulous! Here’s a quote that has been on my mind today(props to ASHLEY for sending it to me!) Y’all have a good week!

There are days when everything seems wrong, when little things hurts you for no good reason. and then there’s says when the world just sings to you from the minute you open your eyes to the minute you shut them again at night!

Someone made a mess on the stuffed animal aisle at walmart

Friday, January 28, 2011

I Will Follow

I just heard this song. Love it! I love Chris Tomlin's voice!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

PH=Potential Husband

What I want in a husband:

Someone who puts God first.

Someone who takes out the trash.

Someone who loves his family, and mine.

Someone who surprises me.

Someone who makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the world.

Someone who has an education.

Someone who works to provide for me and our family.

Someone who wants kids.

Someone who has the heart to give to less fortunate.

Someone who has given me every reason in the world to trust him.

Someone who loves me just the way I am.

Someone who can fix things and doesn’t have to always call someone to do it.

Someone who has a sense of humor.

Someone who listens to my problems and concerns, about anything.

Someone who is sensitive.

Someone who respects our vows.

Someone who is respectful to me and to others.

Someone who is strong.

Someone who picks up after himself.

Someone who likes to be outdoors.

Someone who is mature.

Someone who challenges me.

Someone who takes me to eat Japanese, even if he doesn’t like it.

Someone who continues to improve in his walk with Christ.

Someone who isn’t controlling.

Someone who had Godly wisdom.

Someone who just enjoys being with me.

Well I’m sure I could think of a few more things but I’ll stop there. I can’t wait to meet the man God has made for me :) The reason I started thinking about this is because I had to take out my garbage. That is something I have always hated, and after I did it I told Laura that my husband BETTER enjoy taking out the trash. I think that’s a man’s job anyways. haha! Maybe I'll plan my wedding to dream guy next. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Prom Flashback

With all the high schoolers talking about prom on facebook, I decided to do a flashback from my senior prom!

On the COLDEST night in Janurary 2009, I went fishing. Now I love fishing but I was SO not about to go that night. It was freezing! Shayna and Laura talked me into going because “the fish bite a lot when the weather is cold”. Whatever. So We went and met Jay, Tyler, and Ben on the side of some road. We went fishing every now and the but this night I was kind of suspicious of something but had no clue what was going to happen. So we’re just sitting there goofing off and Jay was like, “Here Riley reel this in I think there is a bite”. There was a bite alright! I pulled it out and it was a fish shaped object that he had written on it, “Riles, will you go to prom with me.” So of course I said yes. It was so, so sweet [even if he didn’t come up with it all by himself ;) ] I got all the lake water off of it and I still have that “fish”. I love all the clever ways guys are asking girls to prom now!

For Pre-Prom we went on the Southern Belle riverboat cruise through Chattanooga. I am surprised Jay didn’t push me off the boat because he did NOT want to go. Up until the last minute, our sweet Ethan was going to be my date. Anyway he went (ha!) and it ended up being a memorable night with lots of our friends. After that we went to Brittany’s house for some fun!

Finally, prom! I want to say it was March 28, 2009. “When the Lights Go Down in the City” was our theme and it was decorated so wonderfully. A lot of the juniors and seniors went to the Moody’s house for pictures before prom. That was something they started with Mary Jeanne and it has continued for several years now. SG is a junior so I maybe they’ll do it for 2 more years. We took pictures and visited then headed to prom. Andddd.... tornado sirens were going off on our way. As soon as we got there we had to go into the back “shelter” area. OMG what an experience. The after prom party was at Tiffany’s house and it had a theme of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. It was so cute and fun!

I think the four of us were together ALMOST every day senior year, at least a good bit!

Okay I have enjoyed my flashback of senior prom. It was truly a blast and I got to experience it all with one of my best friends! So many of my high school memories include him so it made since that this big event did too! Things have changes since then but I can think back on those good times and smile. What a ride it was!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Phi Mu

January 24, 2010 I was having a quite evening studying and washing clothes in the Mez. I thought my friends were practicing for Step Sing, but I felt a tap on my shoulder and was so shocked to see Laura, Sarah Elizabeth, and Chelsea! I was like okay, weird what in the world are they doing because they were just randomly talking for a few minutes. They pulled out a beautiful piece of paper asking me to join Phi Mu! I was so very excited and happy that they gave me a bid! I am also happy that I only had to go to one party and meet people and not go through “rush” again. It just finally feels like everything is going right. I am so happy and so ready to start a new chapter in my life!

wish they could have warned me so I would have at least had on makeup :)

This is just another reminder of everything I have gone through in the past year and a half. The things that didn’t work out then are even better than expected now! I came to UNA not sure if I even wanted to join a sorority. Now don’t get me wrong, my experience at UNA would have been just as outstanding if I were to not join a sorority, but I think this is going to give me a whole different experience. I will not only have lifetime sisters, but lifetime friends. I’m thrilled to learn everything and make it official! It’s even sweeter because so many of my friends are Phi Mu’s at all different school so this will just be another fun thing for us to all share!

Here’s a few fun facts:
-Phi Mu was founded in 1852 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia and is the second oldest sorority in the nation.
-Phi Mu women have been vibrant members of college campuses and we have chartered over 228 chapters
-Our Colors: Rose and White. This choice can be dated back to the early days of the Philomathean Society and was most likely made by the charter members.
-Phi Mu mascot is the lion. (I'll be a UNA lion, and Phi Mu!)

Monday, January 24, 2011


So yesterday at P.F. Changs they brought fortune cookies at the end of our meal. Our waitress brought about 5 and there were only 3 of us. So, I snuck 2 away. I am so obsessed with fortunes. Anyways they said:
"You are never selfish with your advice or your help" I would like to think that is true about my self. I always try to help others and make them feel better. I hope I do :)

"To be mature is to accept imperfections" HOW TRUE. I think sometimes it is so hard to accept imperfections in our selves, and sometimes in the ones we love. So it takes a mature person to do so.

I looked up what the word and certain numbers meant on the back but I decided I would just stick to the saying since it makes sense to me. I almost always save my fortunes so I went to stick my 2 new ones in my HOBO, and I seriously found 8 fortunes in there.
A few favorites:
"The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more"
"Everyone feels lucky to have you as their friend"
"Past experience: He who never makes mistakes never did anything that's worthy"

I saved one to open today and it said:
"The time is right to make new friends"
I mean HELLO that is exactly what I am doing. Making alllll kinds of new friends here in Florence. I though all my fortunes were cool and kind of ironic! Is it weird that I save them?! Hope not! Im going to think of something cool to do with them... any ideas?!

For your information...

Fortune cookies are often served as a dessert in Chinese restaurants in the U.S. and some other countries, but are absent in Chine. The exact provenance of fortune cookies is unclear, though various immigrant groups in California claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century, basing their recipe on a traditional Japanese cracker. Fortune cookies have been summarized as being "introduced by the Japanese, popularized by the Chinese, but ultimately they are consumed by Americans." (got that from Wikipedia)

Valentine's gift alert! Maybe only I would like this since I love "fortunes" so much, but how cool is this! This thing weighs over 1 pound! It is 5 inches tall and 7 inches wide! That's a whopper of a fortune cookie! Inside you get to include your one message on a foot long strip of paper! I think this giant fortune cookie is adorable! It costs $29.95 and you could easily send it to any loved ones for Valentine's day! Here is the link:

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I met mom and Tony in Huntsville today for a movie and dinner! It was nice. I don't want to go home so it is nice to be able to meet them halfway! We watched No Strings Attached and ate at P.F. Changs. I saw No Strings Attached on opening night and loved it! It was so cute! awkward to watch with them but still cute! ha! P.F.Changs was the bomb! yum yum. Now I am watching Kourtney and Kim Take New York! I love the Kardashian's! Can't wait to see how this turns out! There's always drama with them! ha Have a good Sunday night :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dorm Update

Sooo when I went home to get my fridge and tv, I made some things for my room! Ignore the awful blinds, I haven't been able to find any that size yet! and everything is SOOOO much cuter in person but heres an update!

This is a view from my door! I added tissue paper hanging things (not sure the correct name) in the right corner. I also added 2 green baskets to the top shelve.
different view.. you can also see where I attached some ribbon to the wall and clothes pinned pictures and things to it. We can't do much to the walls so I thought this was a nice touch.

another view.. I got all different ribbon at Hobby Lobby. I just liked it all and everythings a little funky?mismatched in my room so it works!! I glittered some of the clothes pins and I beaded some! It was so easy and it makes them look fancy :)
I added bows to my dresser! This may be one of my favorite improvements! ha! It's just so cutie! And notice my Valentine's rug :)


Throughout life we have face many choices, with those just leading to more. It's one thing in life that we can't run from or just pass up. When those choices come, how will we know which one is best for us? Just look at one day of our busy lives. When we first wake up, some of us will choose whether or not we are even going to class. Once we are there we have to decide, are we going to pay attention or just slack off, and what about all the work involved? With those choices made we might have set up the rest of our semester to pass the class, or with some, we have just set ourselves up for failure. Not only the choices you make for the day affect just that day, but it will affect each and every day to follow.

Today has been a real eye opener about decisions. I'm not sure why, I have just had to think about past decisions and future decisions. Some things in the past I am just annoyed about. Basically my grades. I mean, they aren't horrible. But I just know that if I had worked a little bit harder last semester I would have less to worry about right now. I can't really go into detail, but just say a prayer that I can accept that this is what it is and keep moving forward.

I've also been thinking about doing a mission trip this summer. I have wanted to for YEARS. I honestly remember telling my mom when I was a junior in high school that I wanted to take a year off of school after graduation and go work in an orphanage in Africa. I mean I looked up cost of living and all the details. It's always been on my heart. So I have been looking again today and found something that interests me. The decision to do a Christian mission trip would be SO rewarding to me. I have only heard simply amazing things from people I know that have done them. I know it will be life changing and I truly want to make a difference in someone's life. I am really feeling called to do this during the summer.

Anyways, I'm just gonna keep taking life one day at a time. Try not to dwell in the past, or worry about the future. It snowed again in Florence tonight. UGHH! Like I love snow but I have learned I would so rather go visit some place where it snows and they know how to live in it. Because us southerners sure don't!

"Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

Proverbs 16:24

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bachelor Week 3

Okay I am realizing my obsession with this show as the weeks go by. I guess I'm a hopeful romantic. But, I still LOVE Emily! She told Brad her story this week and I cried. I don't even know her but she's got to be one of the strongest people I know OF. One of the girls said something like, she looks just like Barbie so you want to hate her, but she has the soul of Mother Theresa so you can't hate her. Michelle is CRA CRA CRAZY. Like no joke. I'm glad I'm not on that show because I would seriously want to leave just to get away from her. Gah lee. I also like Ashley H. But I think Emily is going to be the one in the end! I've been watching in on my computer but finally got my tv all hooked up so next Monday I will be watching it on my tv!! Got the fridge set up too. Proud to say I got them up to my room all by myself! I actually carried the tv(bad idea). I got a cart for the fridge though. But really little things like that which I can do by myself and not be a whiney baby make me proud of myself.

I have been staying so busy this week and I don't think it is going to lighten up in the next few days. That's okay though! I'm meeting lots of awesome people everyday. I am just so happy and know that I made the right decision this time! Everything in the past 2 years I've been through has made me so much more open to new people. I admit I am still shy, but I've come a long way.

Anyways I'm just rambling.... hopefully I'll be able to get a few crafts up by the end of this week!! I'm using them as decorations in my room! Can't wait to show y'all!!

With the help of God and true friends, I've come to realize, I still have two strong legs, and even wings to fly. So I ain't a-wastin time no more. Cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things. -The Allman Brothers

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I am so late on this post but I just got caught up watching this past episode of The Bachelor! I love love love this show. I always have. I know the relationships usually don't work out but that just makes it extra sweet when they do, because you got to watch it all. I really don't know how I would feel if I was in that situation though. Sharing my man... idk about that.
there was some drama on episode 2 between two girls, and thank goodness they both went home! wahoo! I like all the girls that are there(this week atleast!)

oh Brad.. He has a chance at love a few seasons ago but he left 2 girls hangin at the end! Ugh brat! But he is back and ready for love and I am glad he's back!

This is Emily. She's the sweetest southern belle. Her fiancee was killed in a plane crash. She was supposed to be on the plane but she wasn't feeling well, so he told her to stay home. A few days later she found out she was pregnant with their child. I can't imagine. So sad. But she is my favorite on the show. She's definitely there for the right reasons!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dorm Life

Ah living in a small room with one other person is tons of fun! No really I do like it. I keep my stuff organized and neat(something I don't do in my room at home) haha! I still am lacking my tv, mini fridge, and microwave but I really COULD live without it all. The bulletin board was a nasty green color and I couldn't take it any longer so I ventured on the icey roads to Hobby Lobby and got it. It was $2 a yard which I was happy with. The green mesh stuff was like $3 and I had enough extra of both to vamp up my nasty chair. I have gotta get some new blinds though. These are rinky dinky! Over all I am happy with how it's looking so far! the baskets on the shelve I got both of them for $10! I need to get a few more while they are on sale!

check out the lady outline or whatever on my closet door... weird.. I didn't do it!
my little Valentine's rug ^ and basket of treats

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I like..

So I realized my 20th birthday is exactly 2 months away!! Which also means my 21st is 14 months away :).. Anyways for those who know me, I love my birthday and tend to plan far in advance. Really it's just because I like decorating and parties so what better reason to plan than your own birthday! I made a little wish list of some things I would like...

Some black glossy Hunter Wellies.. I have some short green ones but they are a little dingy. I could dress these up on a rainy day if I needed to!
Lilly Pulitzer- Moira Silk Habotai skirt.. how cute is this?!?!
Sella & Dot Charlotte Pearl Ring.. I love this ring. I wear a lot of gold accessories lately and this could go with a lot
Stella & Dot La Coco Turquoise Bead Necklace- I don't know what it is about turquoise but it always grabs my eye. This is such a basic necklace but you could do SO much with it!(look below).. add a little somethin somethin and there ya have it! That's also the Charlotte ring on the model. So cutie.

I absolutely love this canvas. I have had it bookmarked on my computer for literally months now. I should just go ahead and buy it. This lady has a Etsy store.. here's the link.. she's awesome!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I just found this quote and thought it went well with my last post... I've got some good ones planned out so stay tuned :)

"God will lead you to the wrong one before He shows you the right one. Everything will be fine at the right time."


I am officially all moved into my dorm in Florence! It's not tooooo bad ;) It's almost midnight and I am laying under my comforter with my computer because I don't want the brightness to wake up my roomie(who is from Brazil!!!!)! How considerate of me! Me, mom, and Tony came down yesterday and looked around town and campus and stayed at the Marriot last night. Very nice! Got up this morning to go to a contemporary worship service and the Methodist Church...yea we made it for the last two songs.. embarrassing. But I met the preacher(who btw is the daughter of my preacher in Scottsboro). I am hoping to go back and see how I like it! Tonight me, Laura and Sarah Elizabeth cooked chicken, mac n cheese, and fries. I think(know) I'm going to love it a million times more here than Ttown.

Last night I was laying in bed just thinking about a lot and one thing that stuck in my head was "every new beginning comes from some beginnings end". It's from the song Welcome to Wherever You Are, which was our senior memory day theme. I was/am nervous about this new beginning and I absolutely can't believe it's here. That songs just speaks to me tho, "right here right now you're exactly where you're supposed to be". It's such a positive song that applies to everyone. Even when you are struggling, you are where you're supposed to be. Even when you are happy, you are where you're supposed to be. God puts obstacles and triumphs on our paths for reasons. There is a reason I went to Alabama last year and wasn't happy there. There is a reason I am now happy in Florence. I know I am taking about this move a lot but it is such a huge part of my life, and my plan, I feel like. I am just really excited to see what is in store for me in the future! This is a whole new beginning for me. I left the past relationships/ friendships the were a burden behind. I'm not looking in the rearview mirror. Yes, it can be sad but I have fond memories and now it's time to move along to better/healthier relationships. Anyways I think I am rambling now... just always remember when you are having a tough time or think your life isn't going the right way, that you are where you are at that certain point in your life for a reason! Make the most of it! Stay positive when things come to an end because better things are sure to come your way. Trust me on that! Loves!! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank God for all I missed

I have one full day left in Scottsboro, and I haven't even started packing for Florence. I literally have SO many clothes and shoes and everything I am kind of stressed about it. Going from my big old bedroom to sharing a dorm with another person(which, btw they won't tell me who it is. they said "you'll find out when you move in" ugh!) is going to be a change. I mean I have done it before and I know I can do it again but STILL! Oh well, it is just going to be like 5 months. I can do anything for 5 months! When I talk to people about all that I've been through on the college front, sometimes I just laugh because UNA is where I should have been from the start. However I had a great year last year at Alabama, and being home at Northeast has been..well.. I've managed. There is some people in Scottsboro that live for drama and I am SO glad to be leaving them and it! It has been up and down, back and forth since May and I'm so ready for this fresh start! I have so enjoyed my best friends being home since December and it's going to take some getting used to not having a few of them around all the time. Hopefully I will be busy and making new friends asap!

On to some other stuff... I got me some new tennis shoes. I got some Reebok Easytones and I have worn them all day today. They are super comfy! I am not sure yet if they are "toning" anything like they are supposed to. They feel like regular tennis shoes but we shall see! I usuallly buy Asics but they didn't have my size so I got these! I reccomend for sure! You can even go online and design your own. How cool!

As most of you know I LOVE pictures. Taking them, being in them, just whatever! Well yesterday my brother found a picture of me, my Grampy. and my brother when we were kids. I was so young (like 5) when Grampy passed away and it's hard to remember a lot, so I am thankful for pictures. AND today I walked into my moms room and found some pictures of Seattle. These were some we bought that a professional had taken. I love that place. I only lived there for 29 (long, sad, yet happy) days while we tried to get dad well. It is such a beautiful place. Anyways I will be taking these pictures off to college with me. They are such a reminder of all I have been through. They still offer good memories but I can look at these pictures and remember to take a minute and to be grateful for what I have right that second. We all need a reminder like that.

Now, my favorite song of the day is This by Darius Rucker.. "Thank God for all I missed, because it led me here to this." Love it! And I do thank God for all I missed (like sometimes those unanswered prayers. HE knows better than I do :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year

WELL it has been a while! I just decided I would take a break over the holidays! but now it is 2011 and I'm going to try and do better! But I make no promises! Life has been EXTRAordinary!! So many things have happened, good and bad. Good times have more than outweighed the bad however! I will post some pics as a summary and then get started blogging on the reg! A bit of wonderful news is that I move in FIVE days to Florence!!! AHHHH I am so excited!

Found this and love it! I'm gonna throw my hands up and scream!!
"Life is like a roller coaster. You can either squeeze your eyes shut and hold on tight until it's over or let go and throw your hands up in the air and scream!"

Thanksgiving 2010
Happy New Year!!
my backyard
Christmas with the moodys
White Christmas 2010
Tacky Christmas
Girls night with new friends!!
Iron Bowl!