Monday, November 15, 2010

Past weekend

I had such a good weekend! Here's a few pics from Friday night....

and i made these cake pops for The Jewelry Box's open house on Sunday!! Christmas trees and Reindeers!
and a turkey!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Country Boy's World - Jason Aldean


Well I am a Jason Aldean girl,allll the way. I've seen him in concert 3 times and about to make my fourth! Next Thursday im going to Columbus, GA with Kellie! We got pit tickets and are planning to get there early enough to get front row! AHHHHH SO EXCITED!!! I love his new CD SOOO much! Country Boy World is my favorite I think :) I'll see if I can You Tube it and I'll post it! 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow."
-Mary Anne Radmacher

I love this quote. I think everyone struggles with courage. Lack of, too much, what have you. I feel like if there's something that takes courage in my life, I don't get it right when I need it. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I do, it just depends. But sometimes it takes a few hours, days, even weeks. Thats okay with me. But this quote really speaks to me. It's okay to keep trying and trying. It's the courage to start, and continue that counts.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A little of this and that

These pics are not in order, but all within the past 2 weeks.

my cousin Grace and I at a Halloween party; I painted faces
Auburn for Halloween! me and Holley
My girls!!!!!! I love it when we are all able to be back together! Just like old times!
me and Ashley, thanks for doing my makeup :)
Robin Da Hood and a witch
cake pops I made for a baby shower!!
cake pops for a class order( I also did an order of 100 cake pops Halloween week, I was too tired to take a pic at the end! ha!)
Chante and I and the Halloween party I hosted with lots of goodies!
Maggie, Baxter and I hiking on Signal Mountain! So pretty!
out in Chattanooga