Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oh Happy Day

It's only Tuesday and I feel like it should be Friday. Ahh!! Today I had to go to Muscle Shoals (which is just over the bridge) and I decided to take a trip to Tuscumbia since I was on the other side of the bridge. As most you you know I love to bake and would love to open my own bakery one day. There is a cute little bakery in downtown Tuscumbia called Yummies that I have been wanting to try out. So I went today and it was so cute on the outside, and there was some cute things inside. Lots of pink. There was at least 10 cupcake choices in front of me.... decisions decisions. I choose cookies and cream and reese's. I love oreos and reese's so I figured I couldnt go wrong. The cookies and cream one was delish, and the reeses had a whole reese baked inside, but I felt like the chocolate frosting was out of a can. Overall I wasn't super impressed. But it makes me want to have my own bakery even MORE!! I want to so so bad. Why am I going into Family and Consumer Science Education?!?!? blahh
I went to enjoy the sunshine and cupcake at the riverfront park!
a happy me.

oh happy day.

1 comment:

  1. love this post. and thankfully today is FRIDAY! Yay. i hope you have a wonderful weekend love. don't forget to swing by fash. xoxo

