Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh, How He Loves Us

Do y'all have pinterest?! I had some friends tell me how awesome it was, but I kept putting it off. Well I finally got one and LOVE it! I found tons of cute things to make for my new room (which I will be showing next week!). I haven't been able to sleep tonight so I was pinning some things and this quote was one of my pins. It got me thinking.. Did I thank God for all that I should have yesterday? I know I am guilty of not always being appreciative and getting so caught up in things that I forget to stop and remember WHO provides me with those things. God is just so, so good. Each night I start off my prayer with, "Thank you God for this beautiful day and all the blessings you show me....." My goal is going to be to write down things I am thankful for through out the day and thank God for each of those individual things. My heart is so content right now. I read these blogs often about peoples trials and tribulations, sickness, cancer, death. It's so sad and my heart breaks for them. I pray for those people and my prayer is that even through their struggles that they can see God's love. It reminds me of the song "How He Loves" by David Crowder. I cry every time I hear that song.

I hope all of you will take a moment to say a prayer for all those fighting cancer. Pray for their family, friends, doctors, and nurses too. They need prayers for strength. Trust me, I've been there.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We took a fam vacay on a cruise to Mexico! It was a lot of fun! Our port stops were Cozumel and Calica! Lots of shopping and sunning!!
In Playa Del Maya

I don't care how old I get I will always love silly cups
at dinner the first night
me and brother

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Goodness I can not believe it is August!!!! July was a SUPER busy month for me and I have a feeling August isn't going to slow down either! I told myself I must start back blogging in August. So let's get to it! I'm just going to start tonight about a sweet friend of mine. I've known Beth since the diaper days. We grew up together, and are still growing up together. She studied abroad this summer and saw tons of amazing sights! I am so jealous of her trip! She backpacked for the first few weeks before her class began. I went over tonight to see her, hear about the trip, and look at pictures. She had me a treat! Some chocolates and a tulip magnet from Holland! How sweet! I loved visiting and catching up so much. On my way back home I got so touched by the gifts. She personally selected the gifts for me, just a she did for the other gifts she brought back for people. That's they type of person she is- and I LOVE that about her! I am so grateful for her friendship and SO blessed that God selected her to be a part of my life. I do not know what I would do with out this girl. She has been there for me through it all. The best part is, I know she will still be there through all of the things we have yet to face in life, just as I will for her! I am so excited to see where our lives take us, but hopefully we will live close so our future children can grow up and be best friends like us! I am just feeling extra blessed by her and ALL my other awesome friends and family. God is so good! I can't end this post without saying how GREAT her parents are, too! I just love sitting in their living room chatting for hours with them! I am one lucky girl. I hope you all a friend like I have in Beth!

These are the chocolates she brought me. Yummy! Who wouldn't smile at this cute box!?

This is us almost a year ago when I was in Auburn for her birthday. Most people would laugh at a gift of a mum with a squirrel(for Alpha Gam) yard decoration in it. However Beth appreciates special gifts like that, as do I!
"A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and encourages you with hope."

Love you Doroth!